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  • Who are the coaches?
    Our coaches are experienced certified life, business, career, wellness, educational, executive, and leadership coaches holding credentials from either the International Coaching Federation (ICF), or certification from a distinguished coach training school. They are trained in the ICF Core Competencies, and agree to abide by the ICF Canons of Ethics. Click here to meet the Stand Beside Them coaches.
  • Who do you coach?
    We are coaching veterans from Iraq/Afghanistan (post 9/11; OEF, OND, OIF) and their family members and/or caregivers. Once we grow in size, we plan to expand our outreach to other veterans.
  • What do you coach?
    We provide coaching in: Career development, including skills assessment, and resume/interview preparation Relationships (strengthening relationships at home or work) Business development Veterans benefits (helping with comprehension and navigation of the system) Other reintegration issues that might cause a veteran to feel stuck and unable to move forward
  • What is a coach?
    We define a coach as a “facilitator of positive change”…. someone who guides another to take positive action to achieve a specific goal or goals. Solution-driven and nonjudgmental, experienced coaches use active listening and precise questioning techniques to help their client come to realizations that result in beneficial changes. The relationship between the coach and the client is a collaboration, where the client should be willing to do some homework in-between sessions, and to be checked on for accountability. This dual responsibility ensures that the process stays on track, and the client will achieve his or her specific objectives.​
  • What are some benefits from coaching?
    Some benefits from coaching include: Communication is restored; families stay together Caregivers feel supported, learning to take care of themselves too A small business gets up and running A job, or training for a new career or vocation, becomes a reality A diploma is attained ​Self-esteem is restored, with a positive outlook to the future
  • Is coaching like therapy?
    Coaching is not therapy and should not be confused with it. In coaching, no clinical medical treatment is given nor can medication be prescribed. Coaches do not delve into the past or ask “why?” because that is the province of the therapist. Coaches do guide people to solutions by asking other questions such as “how”? Therapists may call upon coaches to work with a patient of theirs as an adjunct to therapy; if a coach learns that therapy is called for in a particular situation, he or she will guide that person to seek the appropriate medical/ therapeutic care. In both therapy and coaching situations, all communications are totally confidential.
  • What does coaching cost? Will I have to commute somewhere to receive coaching?
    Coaching sessions between our professional, qualified coaches and returning service member/clients are free and totally confidential. If distance or transportation poses a problem, our coaches are willing and able to coach by SKYPE or telephone.
  • How long is a coaching session? What will be required of me?
    Coaching sessions usually last between 45 minutes and an hour, although the first consultation may last a bit longer. At the initial consultation, the coach will describe standard operating procedures for the coaching, explaining the structure of the meetings, cancellation or other policies, and you will converse about the area(s) you feel you could use some coaching in. By the end of the session you and the coach can decide whether you feel comfortable and would like to move forward and set the time and place for future sessions. The coach will give an estimate of how many sessions might be required to achieve a specific goal or goals. All that is expected of you is to be present at the agreed-upon time, and willing to do some work, including follow-up tasks assigned to you by the coach to help you progress toward the realization of specific goals. To reiterate: coaching is a collaboration between the coach and the coachee, where the coach serves as a guide, and the person being coached should be present and accountable to do the work to achieve the positive results.

© 2013-2023 by Stand Beside Them, Inc., a 501(c)(3) charitable non-profit organization

304 Main Avenue # 138, Norwalk, CT 06851


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