SBT Resource Center
Legal Resources
Find out more about other resources and programs offered by other organizations that are useful for veterans. These will be updated frequently so make sure to check back often!
Stateside Legal

Stateside Legal provides legal help for military members, veterans, and their families. On their website you can find interactive forms for letters such as auto lease termination, responses to VA notices, letters to landlords, and more.

LegalHealth provides legal help for veterans who receive care at the Manhattan New York Harbor Healthcare System, the James J. Peters VA Hospital in the Bronx, or the Northport VA in Long Island. Attorneys can provide assistance regarding government benefits, housing, and other civil legal issues.
New York Legal Assistance Group

New York Legal Assistance Group provides free civil legal services to New Yorkers who can't afford a private attorney. They address emerging and urgent legal needs with comprehensive, free civil legal services, impact litigation, policy advocacy, and community education. They work in many areas including immigration protection, employment law, consumer protection, tenant's rights and more.
GI Rights Hotline

The GI Rights Hotline provides accurate, helpful counseling and info on military discharges, AWOL, and GI Rights. It is a private, nonprofit, non-governmental organization that answers calls from military members and their families concerning anything from Delayed Entry Program Discharges to Harassment or Discrimination.
Connecticut Veterans Law Center

Connecticut Veterans Law Center provides free representation to veterans recovering from homelessness or mental illness to help stabilize their lives. Since 2009, CVLC has co-located and collaborated with the VA CT’s Errera Community Care Center to create the country’s first VA medical-legal partnership. The medical-legal partnership model allows CVLC staff and volunteers to serve marginalized clients, many of whom are homeless and many of whom have serious mental illnesses including schizophrenia, bipolar and major depression.
Veterans Justice Outreach Program

Veterans Justice Outreach Program aims to avoid the unnecessary criminalization of mental illness and extended incarceration among Veterans by ensuring that eligible, justice-involved Veterans have timely access to Veterans Health Administration (VHA) services, as clinically indicated. VJO specialists provide direct outreach, assessment and case management for justice-involved Veterans in local courts and jails and liaison with local justice system partners. VA cannot provide legal services. For legal assistance, visit State Side Legal's help page or contact the nearest VJO specialist, who may know of community legal assistance resources.