Our Workshops
& Special Events
Our coaches provide workshops on many topics useful to veterans.
Below are some examples of previous workshops:

SBT’s talented career coaches, several of whom are military veterans, offer one-hour, half-day, or all day seminars/workshops on all aspects of the career search. Topics range from networking to writing a resume that results in an interview; specific interview tips and techniques, including what Human Resources professionals are specifically seeking; post-interview follow through, and more.

SBT offers one-hour, half-day, and all-day seminars on a variety of wellness issues facilitated by our life, health and wellness coaches. Yoga, mindfulness-based stress reduction trainers, work/family life balancing, communications skills for improving personal relationships..these are but a few of the subjects.

SBT motivational speakers and coaches create an event that celebrates and empowers our female veterans. Career/job search panels include women veterans who have successfully transitioned to fulfilling careers, illuminating how they achieved their goals; small business idea-development experts advise on how to take an idea and develop a business from it. Health/wellness coaches demonstrate yoga poses and meditation techniques to reduce stress; life coaches discuss balancing family and work, and finding one’s purpose in life.Make-up and dress-for-success image consultants are there to provide make-over demonstrations. Motivational speakers and one-on-one coaching round off the event.

SBT brings veterans to companies who are actively seeking to develop a veteran workforce. The veterans hear from recruiters about actual jobs and hear about the best ways to apply and get an interview. It is very worthwhile for the companies as well as the veterans, who get to meet other veterans who work at the company and hear their transition stories.

SBT brings career and life coaches to military bases, VFW or American Legion posts, job-fairs, or any other locations where veterans are assembled, so that the one-on-one coaching takes place ON-SITE, in-person. At job fairs, this is particularly helpful for veterans who experience anxiety or uncertainty about what to say and and need some encouragement and guidance.